Friday, February 14, 2014


Early December 2011
Two representative from Goldsino Investment Limited always visiting Yayasan Selangor office to set an appointment with the Development Manager, Ms. Hafida Harun. On their early visit, they often meet Sr. Executive of Development, Mr. Haszandi. Through Haszandi, Goldsino reps were introduced to Ms. Hafida to set date of appointment for Goldsino to present their proposal. The first meeting was agreed to be held on 14th December 2011.

14 December 2011 (1000 hrs)   
Meeting was held at Yayasan Selangor 16th floor in a meeting room for Asset and Development division. Two reps from Goldsino and three reps from Yayasan Selangor, Development Manager, Sr. Executive of Development and Development Supervisor.

Goldsino started the presenting their paperwork on Solar Photovaltaic Power Plant project. Goldsino repeatedly mentioned that they knew Teresa KOK. Development Manager given order to Legal Executives to run through this company background as this company is an international company.
Goldsino representative urged Yayasan Selangor to come out with MOU so that the signing ceremony would be held on December 2011 as the company president were around in KL during that time. Meeting ended with legal department to clarify and scan through the company profile. Development Manager demanded few documents for Goldsino to submit. A second meeting was set on 27th December 2011 at 0900hrs with the top management of Yayasan Selangor. Goldsino reps handed over the demanded documents after lunch on the same day.

27 December 2011 (0900 hrs)
Meeting was held at Yayasan Selangor 18th floor in a meeting room. Present on that meeting:-
a). Mr. Raja Amir Shah , Deputy General Manager. Meeting Chairman.
b). Development Manager
c). Audit Manager
d). Finance Manager
e). Legal Executive
f). Development Sr. Executive
g). Development Supervisor
h). Land Supervisor
i). Representatives from Goldsino Investment Limited   

Business Development Manager introduced Goldsino representatives to Yayasan Selangor representatives. According to Development Manager, they are from China but already stayed in Malaysia for quite sometimes. Goldsino started their presentation stated the reason and objective to develop Solar Energy. According to them, the first project by them already started in Perak.

According to Goldsino, Yayasan Selangor have to come out with an offer letter to Goldsino for application and approval to develop Solar Energy from TNB. TNB required documents for the particular land before application being made.

Chairman of the meeting stated that international company having difficulty on the application process due to terms and condition. Yayasan Selangor proposed that Goldsino to submit their documents using local registered company to ease the application process before Yayasan Selangor can issue out any letter. 

Chairman of the meeting stated that Yayasan Selangor will issue Letter Of Intent to Goldsino after Legal Department and Management discus and agreed on the terms and condition. Development Manager set the next meeting to be held on 28th December 2011 and the letter will be issued that day.

28 December 2011 (1430 hrs)
Official ceremony to handover Letter of Intent to Goldsino was done in a meeting room at 18th. floor Yayasan Selangor Tower. Present on the meeting:
a). Mr. Raja Amir Shah , Deputy General Manager. Meeting Chairman.
b). Development Manager
c). Audit Manager
d). Finance Manager
e). Legal Executive
f). Development Sr. Executive
g). Wealth Executive
h). Development Supervisor
i). Land Supervisor
j). 4 representatives from Goldsino Investment Limited including their President to sign the acceptance of the letter of intent.

Meeting started with an introduction to foreign investor. Development Manager presented Yayasan Selangor profile and background to Goldsino President. Then, Goldsino reps officially presented their organisation background and their intention to develop solar power plant.

Goldsino President present in the meeting does not speaking or understanding English. All discussion details being translated by their company representatives. Officially, the acceptance letter of intent ceremony was held and signed by Goldsino President. The letter issued and sign by Deputy General Manager of Yayasan Selangor.

Legal Department brief Goldsino representatives reason that Yayasan Selangor unable to release an offer letter earlier was because of terms and condition. The offer letter only can be issued out after Goldsino application to TNB approved. Meeting was adjourned.

My biggest concern here is to show Malaysian who the present DAP really are. The development on Solar Energy which was proposed doesn’t have any significant necessity in Selangor as there was no power shortage in Selangor. What is their motive for this huge investment which merely seen to be approve anyhow. With the chronology and evidence attached, showed that there is plans to bring in foreign fund to Selangor through Yayasan Selangor on the proposed project. The issuance on Letter of Intent which was signed by Deputy general manager and not a General Manager himself (on leave) without any written/verbal instruction from General Manager clearly showed that abused of power and the issuance of that letter being done very fast effect from pressure they get from somebody on top who have conflict of interest over this matter. Statement from KOK Chee Keong in the meeting that he knew Teresa KOK very well showing that DAP have something to do with this project. I knew Teresa personally. This is not a surprise.

How fast they tend to agree on this project is questionable too. They are making the decision too fast and not even run thorough check on the background to this foreign investor with Bank Negara. At that moment , both land being rented out with good fix income to Yayasan Selangor . On every meeting they had, none of them discussed matters related to return on investment favourable to Yayasan Selangor. Yet, Letter of Intent was release.  I love DAP. I will never let this people tarnish and destroy DAP just to fulfill their own personal agenda and needs but not for the people.


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